Monday, August 8, 2011


no update today as i thought i would, to tired and annoyed to write sorry.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

spiky haired world saving emos and the big breasted women who love them.

Japanese rpgs, or jrpgs, are a mild joke in the game world these days mostly due to the epic failure of final fantasy 13 and 14, however there was a time where jrpgs where considered better then western ones, mostly due to nostalgia threw rose colored glasses the golden age of jrpgs took place around 1995-about 2001-2002 spurned on by sqauresoft and enix (who wound eventual merged in late 2002) who durign this time seemed to do no wrong! why is this? why did they get so good then so bad? well as far as i know it mostly was due to at the time western rpgs being almost 100% on the pc, and they where in comparison hard, text heavy, and where still targeting a mostly table top grown audience. for western rpgs this time is also a time for great innovation and legendary games, however due to the for mentioned "problems" those games are mostly forgotten in today's video game industry. now what made the Japanese games so accessible to the public? why does EVERYONE know that Aries dies but doesn't know what a pigmy space hamster is? well one word PlayStation. sonys Juggernaut of the era brought the niche of Japanese rpgs to the west, starting with launch games like wild arms, and the soon after launch of the legendary final fantasy 7 other games of the era like the many dragon warrior games and niche rpgs like final fantasy tactics, and kiddy games like chocobos dungeon, to deep and sometimes confusing games like xenogears, all by squaresoft brought a huge number of players mostly young teens into the fold. and here my thoughts on my favorite games of the era starting with the series that both elevated the genre and almost killed it, final fantasy.

final fantasy 7: the first venture into "3d" polygon gaming for the series is a  bench mark in gaming for the home consoles and for many its the greatest game of all time! my entry into the genre of rpgs as a whole, i first learned about it from a commercial that made me want to play it so bad, however it wasn't until a year or so later that i finally got myself a copy. up to this point i had never played a game with so much story! Zelda kinda but i never played it much. it was like an interactive movie for me! i loved every charter and still do! i cried more then just when Aries died and i felt like i had done something worth while when i beat it! now the game does suffer from the worst fanboy-ing Ive ever seen and its not perfect but its damn near it! it spawned a movie and so far 3 games tied to it.

final fantasy 8: when this game came out i couldnt wait! i bought it opening day a first for me! and i beat it in about 2 months, tho at the time i loved it looking back it does have some problems a super clunky menus and game making menu stuff that i didn't know about till this day!the lead protaginst is annoying in his blandness and all but 2 of the cast make me what to hurt them! how ever everything else about it is still fun! the story's a bit confusing but not so bad.

and final fantasy 9: the final game from the series of this era, and a personnel favorite even against final fantasy 7.  a great story great character development and with only 1 character that i hated and another that just needed more backstory. everything abou this game i loved and its partially the reason why i love steampunk so much.

next Thursday ill talk about the niche games of the era and after that the downfall and why it happened.

and remember its not retreating its advancing backwards!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kidnapped by goblins!

Well I have no internet for atleast a no serious posts till then sorry :(

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Taking long holidays with elfs.

Hail and well met adventurers, welcome to Advancing backwards! this is my blog in which i ramble on about random thoughts on both table top and video gaming tho mostly towards table top RPGS. be for warned brave company for this a low grammar blog, seeing as how i lack much formal education beyond elementary and middle school. i will be breaking down my post into themed days as to limit my rambling,and they are:

Fantasy Sundays: where i talk mostly from the DMs perspective on the realms of high and low fantasy gaming.

Character Mondays: where i talk about gaming from a players view point, mostly me talking about my favorite player charters and what made my favorite games great.

Star Wars Tuesdays: where i talk about star wars gaming both the DMs and player sides.

Digital Thursdays: where i talk about video games.

and Random Saturdays: where i talk about whats on my mind for that week.

Keep in mind this is a loose structure and life and my bi-polar might interfere with my schedule. Tomorrows the first Character Monday where ill be talking about my favorite dwarf Bombur the wide of clan axebeard.